7 min readSep 14, 2020


Surviving apocalyptical stress levels by mimicking the most resilient animals in the world; water bears.


The current state of affairs in any country in the world is volatile to say the least, and due to this stressful for many people.

When we are under increasing stress, we look for ways out.

Ignoring or ‘running away’ from stressful situations seems to be the popular choice nowadays. As there are more stressful situations each day, it appears there are also less places to escape to.

This is where alcohol, medication and other substances come in, to give us a surefire way to numb the stress. < if you first read meditation instead of medication: happy for you >

Unfortunately this kind of escapism offers us little practical solutions to lower the stress to bearable levels or eliminate it entirely.

Good to know there are also less intoxicating ways of coping when under pressure.

So, one might ask, what should I do when pressure is mounting?

Or even better: how can I not only survive but thrive?


Biomimicry is an approach to developing sustainable solutions to humans problems by mimicking (i.e. imitating) nature’s time-tested techniques and patterns.

As our globe turns 4.5 billion years old, and life exist for at least 4 billion years of that history (yes, earth does seem to be specifically created for life to start and flourish), one…

